No matter where you live in Canada, we can work together since all of our meetings are virtual over Zoom.
Before we start working together, you will have a clear written quote outlining what you will pay.
No hidden costs and no surprises.
There is a waiting list of approximately three months for the Financial Roadmap service.
Availability for portfolio reviews is about one month and investing coaching can usually be scheduled within two to three weeks.
We will take a holistic view of your financial situation to get a good picture of where you're at now and what your financial future could look like.
We will have a look at your cash flow, put together a savings plan that will help you reach your goals, make sure you are properly invested.
​You will receive a written plan that's unique to you written in plain language, and you'll get support in putting your plan in place.
The Financial Roadmap is targeted to people between the ages of 25 and 50 who are more than five years away from retirement.
Laying a foundation
You’re in your 20s. You’ve got a pretty good job, renting a nice place, going out on weekends, and generally enjoying the fact that you have freedom and money. But you have a nagging suspicion that you’re not saving enough for the future. How much should you be putting aside for retirement? Will you be able to buy a house at some point? Getting your money in order now has huge benefits.
Checking in
You’re in your 30s. You are advancing in your career and have been putting some money aside. But now you are wondering if you're doing all you can with your money. Also, you have some decisions to make and you aren't sure what impact they will have on your finances. Are you on track with your savings? Have you been optimizing the various accounts and minimizing taxes? What will buying a house, having a family, or undertaking some other big life changes mean for your money? Getting clarity on where you're going can set you up for the years ahead.
Peak earning years and looking ahead
You’re in your 40s and in the thick of life. Work is full-on, you're busy, and there’s always a long to-do and to-buy list. You wonder whether you are doing ok financially. Can you afford to renovate the house? And when can you retire? Is it possible to give up your somewhat stressful, high-paying job and slow it down? Can you buy a second property? Gaining clarity and having a plan will help you make the next big life decisions.
If you work with a financial advisor, getting a second opinion on your portfolio can help you better understand what you own and feel more confident about your advisor. Or, maybe you'll decide it's time for a change.
Get educated about investing so you can feel more confident and informed.
Learn what you need to know to become a do-it-yourself investor.