Filling the advice gap
Getting financial advice in Canada can be confusing. It's not always clear who can help you with your financial questions. I aim to fill the advice gap by offering flexible, personalized, and common sense guidance and education. Since I don't work for a financial institution and I don't sell any products, I am unbiased and I only have your best interest in mind.
Financial Planning Light
Most financial planners offer comprehensive plans that address all
aspects of your financial life, and this is highly valuable for some
people, especially those with complex financial situations. But not
everyone needs the full plan. For situations that are less complex,
a shorter and lighter financial plan makes sense. That's what I offer.
I call it a Financial Roadmap.
​Investment Coaching: A unique offering
At Clarity, you will also find something unique: investment coaching. With experience as both a professional investor and a financial planner, I offer this unique service. I can help you learn to invest for yourself and help you get set up. If you are already a DIY investor, I can be a sounding board and I can have a peek at your portfolio and talk it over with you.
​Affordable, insightful, trustworthy advice is something everyone deserves. You'll find that here.